2021 Christmas Gifts

Gathered in love. Transformed by grace. Sent by God to serve.

These three statements reflect the principles of our faith. They serve as anchors and guides for how Saint Philip’s lives out the Episcopal doctrine.

During this Christmas season you are invited to express these principles through three different donation opportunities.

Christmas Memorial Gifts

On Christmas Eve Saint Philip’s celebrates what has been anticipated and waited for throughout Advent: the birth of Jesus and the salvation it represents. The liturgies reflect this; they are filled with spectacular music and abundant decorations.

Your donation in memory of a loved one covers the extra costs associated with the Christmas (and Easter) liturgies, as well as Saint Philip’s general ministry. The names of those in whose memory gifts are made will be recognized as part of the Christmas Eve services.

Visit Saint Philip’s secure website to make your memorial gift online. (Deadline is December 15, 2021 for publication.)

Children’s Christmas Project

It is through God’s grace that we change and grow and are transformed. Just as God loves all of us, not just those parts we deem good, so too do we love children and all they are – and will become.

Donations for the Children’s Christmas Project will be distributed to 3 schools (Rio Vista, Holaway, and Imago Dei) for them to use at their discretion. Your financial support can help in a wide range of ways, from helping a family stay in its apartment so the child can continue to attend school to providing clothing and supplies for students.

Visit Saint Philip’s secure website to make your Children’s Christmas Project gift online. (Deadline is December 31, 2021.)

Christmas Offering

This year’s Christmas Offering will support two organizations.

The first is Boys and Girls Club - a Beloved in the Desert Partnership.
This organization provides after-school programming and mentors young people in the development toward adulthood.

Visit Saint Philip’s secure website to make your Christmas Offering gift online.(Deadline is December 31, 2021.)

The second is the Naco Christmas Project – an emerging partnership between St. Andrew’s-Glendale and Saint Philip’s.
This effort demonstrates how diverse parishes in the Episcopal Diocese of Arizona can find common ground in pursuit of joint ministries. Christmas food baskets and family presents will be delivered before Christmas. 

Visit Saint Philip’s secure website to make your Christmas Offering gift online. (Deadline is December 15, 2021.)

Thank you in advance for your generous support!