Office & pantry hours

Office hours
Summer invites a slower pace but there are still matters that require attention. For example, a sexton needs to be hired and pilgrimages need to be planned. To create space for in-depth planning and quiet times for work on longer-term projects, office hours on Monday will change during June, July, and August.

Starting Monday, June 6, and continuing through Monday, September 5 (Labor Day), the office will be closed to visitors on Mondays.

The church’s main telephone number (520-299-6421) will still be answered from 9:00am-1:00pm. Matters of true urgency will still be addressed.

For pastoral emergencies, Saint Philip’s 24/7 CareLine (520-971-3551) will continue to be monitored by staff clergy.

Pantry hours
Beginning on Tuesday, May 17, the food pantry hours will change:

The pantry will be open from 9:00am-12:00pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.