Afghan Assistance update

This is the second in a continuing series of updates about how Saint Philip’s parishioners are working to assist our Afghan allies resettling in Tucson.


Lutheran Social Service of the Southwest (LSS) is the agency that works with Episcopal Migration Ministries to resettle refugees in Tucson. It’s October 1 newsletter provided updated information.

Afghans who enter the United States with “humanitarian parole” are now authorized to receive refugee resettlement benefits. This means they will be entitled to programs such as food assistance; the federal government will provide an additional $1.68 billion for their support.

As a result of this, the number of Afghanis coming to Tucson has increased to 150.

After meeting with about 30 parishioners on Sunday, September 26, in a hybrid meeting, and a smaller group via Zoom on September 30, Saint Philip’s has decided to create a co-sponsor team to provide personal assistance to a refugee family.

Saint Philip’s Co-Sponsor Team

Co-sponsorship teams are limited in size so the family being sponsored isn’t overwhelmed. We need a team leader and no more than 11 other people to assist a family. Jane Prescott-Smith and Deacon Leah have been working on setting up a team. Please contact them soon if you’re interested in volunteering as Team Leader or on the team itself.

  • The team leader will work with the LSS case worker to manage volunteers and the needs of the family, as well as to coordinate meetings and communications with Mtr Taylor, the team, other volunteers, and parishioners.

  • Up to 11 individuals will be part of the team that will interact with a family, provide support as needed, and work with LSS to provide a consistent presence.

    Assistance will include setting up the family’s apartment, providing food, rental assistance, internet access, transportation, etc. Team members will also provide information and inspiration to Saint Philip’s congregation. We already have several volunteers for this team, including Jane Prescott-Smith and Nancy Atherton.

    Deacon Leah will send team members’ names, emails, and phone numbers to LSS, who will send team members the forms to fill out and coordinate an orientation session.

What if you want to help, but can’t be on a team?

  • You can donate money to Saint Philip’s online or by check. Indicate the donation is for Afghan Refugee support. Information about donating to LSS can be found here.

  • Donate other items.

    • Gift cards to Walmart, Fry’s, and Safeway allow refugees to purchase items that they need upon arrival.

    • Amazon Wishlist of items

    • Housing. LSS works through rental companies and prefers 2-to 3-bedroom apartments. They could possibly use a casita if one were available, but this would need to be arranged with the owner.

*LSS does not accept used clothing, towels, or sheets and they are not accepting furniture at this time. Later, when preparing the apartments, LSS may be able to pick up furniture and deliver it then.

*Saint Philip’s may hold a new bedding and clothing drive later this fall. Stay tuned for details about that.

  • Donate time

    Volunteer with LSS. Volunteers are needed to provide other types of support to refugees, such as transportation to an appointment; tutoring children or adults; mentoring support to young adults; or some ESL support. Information about volunteering for these roles is available here.

If you are interested in receiving newsletters from LSS, you can sign up using the form on this page. You can learn about the refugee resettlement process and proposed legislation to increase quotas and support at this link.