From the Rector

Dear Friends in Christ,

I’ve said to people over the last few months that I would not be surprised if, in a year, the church were half the size or twice that it was before the pandemic.

Churches all over the country are opening, worshiping, gathering, serving, and more at different rates and in different ways than before the pandemic. Most are partially open like we are—not quite fully doing what it did before but back in-person in various ways.

It’s a weird time. It’s a challenging time to plan for the different eventualities and possibilities. We’re adjusting budgets, staffing, and leadership structures to be ready to respond. We’re planning classes, outreach, and much more. We’re also trying to remain open to the work of the Holy Spirit—to see what seems possible that may not have been before.

Part of that movement of the Spirit will be reflected in our giving this year. We’ve been blessed by consistent, faithful giving all through the pandemic and find ourselves at, what we all pray, is the tail end of it. Karrie and I will increase our giving this year to $16,500. We’ve found returning to church, hearing the choir, seeing our kids playing with other kids, receiving the Sacrament together, and much more are giving us a sense of new hope.

That hope, for us, is worth investing in. That hope, to us, is worth sharing. That hope, for us, is worth sustaining.

What is hope worth these days for you? We’ve found ourselves feeling like a huge weight lifts when we’re able to gather, sing, and pray. In this time of stress, division, and anger we’ve found that having a place where we can rest together with God feels like an oasis—like Living Water.

Whatever changes are ahead of us as a parish, whatever our community’s recovery from COVID looks like, and no matter what may be different when we’re all back together, we’re ready to support the mission and ministry of Saint Philip’s because it is a sign of hope when it is desperately needed. That hope is our foundation and it stands firm.

If you have not made a pledge yet, I ask that you prayerfully do so. The amount is far less important than the intention. The value of your pledge is reflected not in the Church’s bottom line but in the shared commitment we make to our life together. 

You can make your pledge online by clicking the button below.

You can also pick up a form in the office and, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me or to Bonnie Winn, our Junior Warden and stewardship chair.

I’ve never regretted taking a chance on being generous—even when I’ve been anxious about doing so. Maybe especially when I’ve been anxious! Your giving this year will enable us to come together, share the Good News, and be a sign and source of hope for so many.

Yours in Christ

Fr Robert