Choral Evensong returns

The Saint Nicholas youth choir and the Schola Cantorum adults look forward to the return of our popular monthly offering of Choral Evensong this coming Sunday, October 17. This will be our first Evensong since March 2020 when the pandemic hit us with a collective shut-down of live worship.

This wonderful ancient liturgy takes the form of sung prayers, psalms, and the traditional evening canticles, the Magnificat and Nunc dimittis, along with a hymn and an anthem. The service is full of meditative moments for the congregation as they hear the lessons from the Epistle and Gospel, as well as the time-honored chanting of the appointed psalms for the day. It is the perfect way to begin or end a week!

Please join us as the choirs formally begin their preparation for our July 2022 Residency at Wells Cathedral in the UK. Choirs from all over the world sing this beautiful service week in and week out, and Saint Philip’s is the only choir in Southern Arizona that continues and affirms this Anglican tradition. Help us spread the word, and consider bringing a friend to church.

The service begins with an extended organ prelude at 4:15pm (music of J.S. Bach) followed by the service at 4:30pm. Please join us!

“Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: Let the whole earth keep silence before Him.”

—Dr. Jeffrey Campbell, Associate Music Director & Organist