Upcoming events

September 27: 1:00pm-3:00pm, Prison Ministry collection, east parking area near Murphey Gallery. Especially needed are: towels, napkins, facial tissue, Swiffer refills, Swiffer pads, laundry detergent & bleach, trash bags, multipurpose disinfectant, cleaner liquid, hand and liquid dish soap, toilet bowl cleaner, pajamas (small, medium, large), and new sneakers (any sizes).

September 27: 2:00pm, livestream Friends of Music Concert, featuring Cool Breeze. Find your connection link Sunday on our website, stphilipstucson.org

October 3: Flu Clinic. By appointment, 9:00am-12:00pm, Perry Garden. Masks, social distancing required. To schedule an appoint, call Carol Jones, Parish Nurse, 520-271-7373. Vaccines available: standard flu; quadrivalent high doses for those over 65; and pneumonia. You need to bring forms with you, along with your insurance cards. You can download forms here.

October 4: Debut, Way of Love Virtual Art Tour, featuring Tucson. Showing 24/7 through October 31. Link will be available in time for the opening.

October 4: 2:00pm, north parking lot—Blessing of the Animals and Pet Food Collection. Stay safe in your car and have your pet blessed. Donations of dry and wet pet food will be accepted on behalf of Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation. In case you don’t have a pet to bless, but still want to donate, you may do so between the hours of 1:00pm and 3:00pm. If needed, someone can take the donations from your vehicle.