Rogation Guild meets October 31

The Rogation Guild invites the Parish to join us for its Cross-Quarter Meeting at 10:00am Saturday, October 31. This will be an introductory meeting with a brief presentation on the Guild and what we do; as well as a presentation by Deacon Susan Erickson on Creation Care as discussed at the Province VIII/VI Deacons' Conference on Creation Care, and the Diocesan Convention. There will be time for questions afterward.

  • Here is the link for the 40-minute Zoom session.

    • If asked, the Passcode is: 4xxg6U

You are also welcome to join us for a special Rogation Guild Morning Prayer led by Mother Kelli at 8:30am October 31 on the Saint Philip's Facebook page.

Here’s some more information about the Rogation Guild:

Our name: "The Rogation Guild." Rogate coming from the Church's celebration of Earth Day, or what is called Rogationtide. Rogation Days are the three days before Ascension and are penitential days of prayer. They are also the days that the parish historically went about in procession beating the bounds, and blessing the fields. 

Our patron is Saint Isidore the Farmer, a Spanish saint who is celebrated in the Anglican Communion. 

Our mission statement: "And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it."

Our rule of life: As Guild members we commit to include prayers for the right use of God's creation and preservation thereof in their prayer life, and to let the Grace given us inspire us to work for environmental justice.