Blessing of Animals, 2:00pm Sunday

Our annual Blessing of the Animals is ON!!!  We'll be celebrating the life and witness of Saint Francis on the actual day of his feast, October 4, though our celebration will be a little different this year--we'll meet in our cars (with our pets/animal companions) in the North Parking Lot of Saint Philip's for a brief liturgy, with blessing stations set up where cars can pause and a clergyperson can bless (masks will be worn, and hands sanitized between blessings!).  

Here are some instructions:
1: Park in the north parking lot facing the church (remember to keep a bit of distance between you and the other cars so as not to box anyone in…and make sure folks can see)!
2: Tune in on your radio to 88.9 FM—that’s where the service audio will be broadcast; or go to the Saint Philip's Facebook page (you don't need a Facebook account to access it) on your phone for the audio in your car!  A PDF of the liturgy will also be made available on Facebook!
3: When the liturgy is over, cars will be invited, by rows, to pull up to an available blessing station where a clergy-person will bless your pet (and you!).  
We'll also be collecting pet food for our friends at the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation to benefit folks in need who are dealing with HIV/AIDS and who are often willing to skip a meal themselves if it means their animal companions can eat.  Pet food can be left outside the office door, or it can be handed over at the blessing station!

So bring some pet food!  Bring a pet!  Bring the family!  GET BLESSED!