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Our Sister's Keeper Opening and Luncheon

The photography exhibit "Our Sister's Keeper" by Dr. Marie Plakos will open in the Gallery at Saint Philip's on August 5th and will remain here through October 21st. There will be a number of events that brings Our Sister's Keeper into our context. To start, Dr. Plakos will be with us on August 5th at 12:30pm to make a presentation about her work - a luncheon will be provided, and books of her work will be for sale.

Dr. Plakos’s photography illustrates the beauty and strength of women even though they face the many challenges of economic hardships, hunger, lack of adequate health care, and physical abuse. She feels that “human rights must exist for everyone living on this planet and for women and girls to have a better life. Our life interdependence demands this, and that is why we must be our sister’s keeper.”