Parish Financial Report

As of June 30, 2020, Saint Philip’s Year To Date operating results are better than both 2020 budget and 2019 results. The cash balance for current operations in our checking account is more than $200,000. For the first time in several years our cash position should be more than adequate through the summer.

These results and the current cash position are the result of continued support by our parishioners with timely pledge payments as well as major cost containment implemented by our Vestry and staff. Thank you for your strong and continuing support.

Saint Philip’s was fortunate to receive a PPP loan. The loan will be forgiven if the funds are used primarily for staff retention. We anticipate that the loan will be forgiven and plan to apply for forgiveness later this month which should further strengthen our financial position.

Click Here to see the report.

Questions and comments may be addressed to St. Philip’s treasurer, Herb Burton, at

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